Sunday 7 March 2010

7th March.....mixed emotions

Uncertain and upsetting news from back in England yesterday led to a restless night and a sleepy day today. This is not the place, but things are looking more positive now, so hopefully we can start to look forward again.

The weather in Ottawa this week has been fabulous and today was no exception. Another blue sky day, another picnic. This time by the Gatineau River, sat on the same fallen tree we spent many a summer afternoon on with the water lapping at our feet. Today although the river has begun to thaw, the edge is still frozen solid, and instead of performing acrobatic feats to reach the dry branches, we could walk straight up to them and throw snowballs too. The photos almost look like a Caribbean beach - that's ice honestly!

Home and a drowsy afternoon. Paul is being visited by the man flu so is sparko on the sofa after self medicating with a hot toddy. I've ended another week by baking, and leave you with a piccie of my granny loaf, recipe from the trusted and much beloved bero cookbook. My desert island discs luxury item!

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