Thats another year done then.
Apparently that counts as a full reivew of the year in Paul's book, lazy man.
Lets see.....ten achievements in 2010, in no particular order and probably missing out the really important ones as I just write down what comes into my pretty little head.
Numero Uno - Paul's highlight of the year has been canoe-camping, in fact he stood in Canadian Tyre this morning looking at canoes and thankfully registered that $700 is a lot to spend on a whim. He is right though, we have indeed had some fantabulous times on our canoe-camp trips this year. From getting stuck on beaver dams, to swimsuit stealing geese, to early morning misty cuppas as the loons call - fab fab fab.
Deux - It took over a year, but I finally overcame my fear of driving on the wrong side of the road and got back behind the wheel. After a brief practise in Gatineau, I followed this up with an epic road trip with the parental ships to:
Numero Trois - Niagara Falls. Its big, and wet, and I loved it.
Number 4. Our relationship survived skating. Paul loves it. He loves it on the rink up the road, playing hockey with his science-tician friends. He loves it on the canal clocking up the kms and building up speed.
I can stand up on skates.
And have just about mastered not swearing at the people I care about whilst doing so. Despite this contrast in our feelings for the frozen water, we are still going strong. Hoorah.
Part e - Food food food. This year we have eaten well. Which isn't really much different to the other years, except that the proportion of this food that I have cooked has dramatically increased. My culinary skills are definitely improving, and the melted spatula I rustled up last week was a wonder to behold.
Six - Craftilicious. Despite the numbness of my elbows on many occasions this year, my crafting has gone from strength to strength. Whether it be the sweaters sported by the men in my life, or the felt robins adorning the dining room walls, there are not many days this year when I have got through without playing with the needles or scissors. More to follow next year I'm sure.
Sieben - Visitors. This year we were host to family visitors with my parents here in September and Steve in October. Both groups have mentioned possible return visits so we can't have been atrocious hosts. Dad and I survived an attack by a viscious snake with no permenant damage except to our pride. Mum single-handedly devoured two of the biggest ribs I've ever born witness to. And Steve got to wear plaid up a mountain. Good times were had by all.
Number the eight - We are taking over Ottawa one jam sandwich at a time. Truth be told we only seem to be making headway at brainwashing the non-Canadians in our lives, but between the marshmallows, jam-sandwiches, beans on toast and Christmas pudding - conquer them we will. (Why are so many of our achievements this year food related?!)
El Nino - Wildlife spotting. This year has been a good'un. I spent three days in May impressing my fellow bird-watchers with my spotting skills - "theres one, theres another", which they then identified. One of my happiest days was spent chasing Monarch's around Presqu'ile with Mum and Dad.
The encounter with the friendly Grey Jay in Quebec was another of the highlights of the year, together with the brief encounter with the elusive Fisher.
From Jasper's point of view, you can't beat a good squirrel spot however.
Ten-Dix-X - Time with friends. We've decorated cookies; cooked pancakes on camp fires; watched mounties ride in musical formation; played boule in the sunshine; solved murders; picnicked in the snow and countless other activities this year - and all with fab friends. Hoorah for them.