Thursday 16 June 2011

164/365 Night swimming

Well, strictly speaking it was evening swimming, but still in the water as sun was setting so I think it counts.

Cycled to Mooney's Bay this evening, and straight into the water for a couple of laps with swallows sweeping overhead and ducklings paddling on the shore. Sounds peaceful and idyllic, but when you add in the evenings dragon boat-race practice it was far from it, atmospheric though.

Post swim we picnicked on the sand on home made bread and fake-chicken salad, with a flask of coffee to wash it down (no, not lashings and lashings of ginger beer, this is starting to sound a tad Enid Blyton isn't it?!).

Expecting the bike ride home to be an unwelcome slog we were surprised to find that our legs seemed fresh after the swim. Which added to the fun of the ride which included a haunting orange full moon, bats out for dinner (one with faulty eco-location bumping the front of my bike!), a frog chorus and a speedy diversion off the path as a fallen tree loomed up ahead of us (it wasn't there on the way out!).

Best of all were the fireflies though, flashing at least three different colours as they bobbed about in the tall grasses to the side of the path. Magical.

Sadly our camera skills weren't up to capturing them, so here is the cheeky gull who kept a very beady eye on us during our picnic. Apparently the aroma of my home-made bread works on birdies as well as swimmers. x

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