I have never been much of a public dancer (*), I think I can count on one hand the times I've danced in front of other people. Most memorably for me was the occasion at a family wedding many moons ago. I found myself so inspired by a Billy Joel track (probably Uptown Girl), that I managed to mash-up Celtic Sword Dancing and The Robot, to hideous effect. (I can only hope that I am the only one that remembers this....and I am eternally grateful that back then video-cameras were few and far between).
In recent years, only the imbibing of copious amounts of alcohol have led to more than a mere foot tap, and then I have found myself looking down and wondering whose legs those are jiggling about so ridiculously, before regaining self-control and retreating to the safety of wallflower status once again.
It may be surprising to learn then, that I LOVE to dance, and behind the safety of closed doors and drawn blinds, I will boogie away on my own for hours at a time. Particularly on overcast or rainy days, I like nothing more that to push my spinning wheel to one side, stick on ELO at full blast, and then I twist, I Charleston, I fling out moves from Saturday Night Fever - and I absolutely LOVE it. And as I get older, I find this seeping out into public more and more.
This week has been a prime example, as in our fourth summer in Ottawa, we have finally headed to Bluesfest.
Belle and Sebastian - dreaming of horses. |
Belle and Sebastian's enthusiasm and energy was infectious last Saturday, and I found myself bobbing, tapping and I may even have snuck in a little shimmy at one point. Now to the outside observer, I may still have appeared to be the Brandy Snap that my dear brother-in-law thinks of me as - refusing to let go with anything like wild abandon. But for me, this was a novel experience - movement, in public!
My dance-based week continued last night at the
Dusk Dances in Strathcona Park. This is the 3rd year they've run, and I've been every year, and thoroughly enjoyed it. This is dance as art rather than as social activity, so I can't say that I picked up many moves to add to my limited repertoire, but the fun and joy the dancers showed is encouraging nonetheless.
There were spooky marionette brides, moonlight-projection based pieces with werewolf overtones, and an emotional love story told with the aid of bathing-suits, showers and sliding about on slippy wet plastic sheets.
If you're in the area, there are still performances tonight and tomorrow, it is pay-what-you-can, and a fab way to spend a summers evening in the park.
So tonight, it is back to Bluesfest, this time for Bjork. Not sure whether that will be a dance-inducing performance or not to be honest. In fact, maybe some of the performances last night might lend themselves to her music after-all. Not sure I can pull of Marionette-bride-with-multiple-wavy-arms all by myself . . . but if I do, i'll be making sure that there are still no video-cameras to capture the moment for prosperity!
(*) Yes, I have decided to label myself as a non-public dancer, as opposed to a private dancer. Tina Turner has a lot to answer for.